Equality problems in the financial sector – Germany is lagging behind
New EU rules are intended to ensure a higher proportion of women in top management. But this is unlikely to change much in terms of the pent-up demand for German banks and insurers.
For Stefanie Symmank, Managing Director of VFS Personalberatung, it is clear that despite such initiatives, the insurance industry is still “clearly lagging behind” when it comes to women in management positions:
“Most insurers have failed to establish a suitable promotion of women, for example through mentoring programs,” complains personnel consultant Symmank. Especially after returning from parental leave, there is often a lack of opportunity to take on management positions on a part-time basis or in job sharing.
Link to complete Handelsblatt article: Gleichberechtigungsprobleme in der Finanzbranche – Deutschland hinkt hinterher in der Finanzbranche – Was sich jetzt ändern wird (handelsblatt.com)